
Britannia Nutri Choice Heavens Cookies Review: ‘Banana and Almonds’ and ‘Cranberry’ Variants


It is Christmas today! A very Happy Christmas to you all 🙂 Christmas is my most favourite festival of the year, with the chill in the air and festivities all around, beautiful Christmas tree decorations everywhere, Santa Claus roaming in streets and malls! The cheer and happiness is so tangible!

Britannia came up with this really cute advertisement for their new range of luxury cookies called Heavens! And I feel they have been launched with the correct tone in their ad..the background vocals feels so wintry, and heavenly. The promo shows all the great ingredients of the cookie, such as cranberries, bananas and almonds flying up to heaven. The jingle goes like, “Good things go to..Heaven!!” I loved this promo, and everything about it felt so right for me to go and pick up this box of cookies ASAP!

They have been launched in two variants: One with ‘Almonds, Bananas and Oats’ and the other with ‘Cranberries and Oats’.

So did the cookie live up to the high expectations I had set? Read on..

Ingredients and Nutritional Count:


Packing: The cookies come packed in this cardboard box, with a huge cookie drawn on it. They have pictures of all the cookie ingredients on it. They have written how good these cookies are, on the box side.


Within, all the cookies are individually packed. Think on the lines of Sunfeast Dark Fantasy and Sunfeast Delishus cookies, which also come individually packed. These types of cookies are great to carry around, as you can drop one in your handbag, or a couple in your laptop bag for on-the-way munching. Plus, you don’t have to worry about half-eaten packs becoming soggy.


Quantity and Price: Rs 50 for 100 grams. The huge carton made me think there would be a number of biscuits inside, but to my dismay, it had only 6 cookies. Seriously? One cookie for more than Rs 8?? What were you thinking Britannia?

Taste: Have you tried Sunfeast Delishus? These cookies have been launched in competition with those most definitely. I have tried both of these, and found these quite similar in appearance and texture.

Almond and Banana Variant: I was really excited to try this as I totally love the flavour of banana. I adore banana and walnut muffins and even banana ice cream! But where was banana in this? I only found a mild scent of banana in the cookie. I was thinking more in terms of this cookie having real, dried banana chunks. But on reading the ingredients closely, this has only 1.4% ‘Banana Powder’!!! I mean WHATTT?? I have been let down severely. It does have almonds, and yeah you can feel them and even see them. But I wasn’t particularly overwhelmed by the taste of this variant. It was quite OKish. You can see real big oat chunks too. So if you want a cookie with the goodness of oats and just almonds, then go for this. But yeah, at Rs 8 per cookie, this is quite pricey.


Cranberry Variant: After tasting the banana variant, I had low expectations from this one. But I was pleasantly surprised! This one really contains big, actual dry cranberries. And no, this one didn’t let me down, as it had at least 3-4 good sized cranberries in each cookie. This also contains visibly big chunks of oats. I really liked the taste of this one, atleast 10 times better than the banana one. At least I’m consoled by the fact that some good (and expensive!) fruit went into making this one. So I feel this one is more value for money (check the prices of dried cranberries in any store, and you would know what I mean!). Plus, I like the chewiness that a cranberry brings to the biscuit, making it more versatile in terms of texture.

The overall cookie texture is quite nice, and you don’t feel that you’re eating a flour laden biscuit (like Marie or Nice..). I feel these are great to have in your evening coffee break in the office, or when you want to eat something while commuting.


Banana Variant: 2.5/5

Cranberry Variant: 4/5

Repurchase: I would spend my buck on the cranberry variant only. It is one good biscuit to try!

Overall Verdict: Only the cranberry variant met the high expectations that I had after the really cute advertisement. They are a bit expensive too. The banana one could have been made so much better. But this cookie is a fresh change from the usual biscuits on the market. And it is, to a certain degree, ‘Heaven’ly! 🙂

Have you tried this cookie? Do you love banana walnut muffins? Do share your experience!

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