
Lakme Lip Love Lip Care Review: Cherry Variant


Winters for me mean endless cups of coffee, eating home made ‘gajar halwa’, enjoying the shivering cold and yes, cursing it at the same time for making my skin even worse 😀 I have this habit of buying lip balms, but I really don’t know why, I don’t apply them as often as I should. Whenever something new hits the stores, I love to buy it, and add it to my bag, and it is used really well for 2 days. Then, it mixes up with the rest of the stash and we are back to square one. But I guess a lot of girls go through the same! So my new addition to the stash was Lakme Lip Love Lip Care (that’s a lot of ‘L’s!).

I was really excited for this particular product launch as Shraddha Kapoor has been roped in for its promotion. It comes in 4 variants, Cherry, Strawberry, Peach and Vanilla. I really wanted to buy Vanilla as I go bonkers for anything with chocolate or vanilla flavour. But since these are claimed to be tinted balms, hence I saw no point in buying a variant which was creamy yellow in color. So I chose cherry, the deepest shade among all 4.

Ingredients: “NOT MENTIONED!!!” I mean, which age is this? How come things can easily be sold without the mention of even the basic ingredients that went in? I really request all companies to give a thorough list of ingredients, if not on the pack, then at least on their website!

Claims: Tinted Sticks with Balmy Cores’, SPF 15

Packaging: This cute product is winning hearts ‘coz of its absolutely lovable packing. Girls who have used Elle 18 lipsticks are already very familiar with this type of product. Both, Elle 18 lipsticks and Lakme Lip Love Lip Care look completely similar. The twist up packing is the same size as Elle 18. Even the bullet looks an identical sister of Elle 18! The only difference with Lakme is that the Cute Quotient has been kept higher with a transparent cap with Lakme Lip Love written in a flowery font! The plastic body seems sturdy. The cap is tight enough to not open up inside the bag. All this came housed in a paper and plastic blister pack. The bullet is a bright colored one, with a visibly different core, which is said to be the moisturizing portion.

My Experience: I had tremendous expectations from this one. Lakme had advertised it really well, especially on their FaceBook page. I went around malls asking when this is hitting the shelves, and returned home empty handed all the times, as none of them had a clue when this would be coming. I ultimately ordered it online from Amazon. My luck was just not favouring me, as this was the festive season and all deliveries were being delayed. I finally got it on 27th, after 7 anxious days of waiting. So how did it fare? Let’s see


Color Payoff: It has quite a low color payoff. The deep red shade of the bullet made me hope for a darker color on my lips. Well of course it ain’t lipstick. But what’s a tinted lip balm if it doesn’t give you a slightly obvious tint? I should have bought vanilla 🙁

Scent: It has the slightest ever scent only, that too of a typical lipstick. It doesn’t really feel like a cherry scent to me, but I kind of like this synthetic scent too! It won’t be there for long, and just lingers for a minute or two.

Moisturization: Well, the most important thing for a lip balm for me is the hydration power, and on that front, this seems to be jussst fine. 2-3 swipes would easily hydrate your lips for about 1-2 hours. It isn’t sticky, and neither is too waxy. I would have preferred if it was just a tad bit heavier in texture, so it would have lasted longer. Again, I believe this won’t heal your chapped lips, but just provide a hint of healthy sheen and moisture. Only if the color payoff was as good as the color of the lip balm, I would have bought some other flavour too!

Price: Rs 200 for 3.8 grams of product

Shelf Life: 2 years

Pros and Cons:


  1. Attractive packing. All companies seem to now understand that cuteness quotient is a great buying factor for a girl!
  2. A good moisturizer for lips. The balmy core does seem to work
  3. Has SPF 15, so that’s an added bonus
  4. 4 flavors! (I really should have got Vanilla….)
  5. Travel friendly


  1. Not as good a color payoff as I expected
  2. NO INGREDIENTS?? What are you doing with the huge cardboard packing, people? Use it to put the ingredients list, not claims alone!!
  3. A bit expensive for the deal (Rs 150 would have been OK for it…come on Elle 18 lipsticks sell for 110)
  4. Scent not the most pleasant..seemed a bit artificial, so I guess not everyone may like it
  5. Availability might be an issue right now, but I guess it will be easily available across stores soon

Rating: 3.5/5 (score on basis of adorable packing and decent moisturization)

Final Verdict: This is a new product so you should try it. I would insist that you buy one variant (Buy one only though 😉 ) It would cover you in terms of moisture in these winters. Don’t have reaaalllly high expectations though.

Did you try this Lip Care product from Lakme? Did you like it? Share!

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